This is why you are failing in entrepreneurship...


Table of content:

About the comfort zone.

About Your Habits.

Why you shouldn't give up?

About the comfort zone?

Inside you, at this moment, there is a virus that is killing all your goals and dreams. Do you know what it's called?         

Comfort...more precisely, comfort zone.

Many times you may have heard that term. And probably just as many times you've heard or seen many people tell you:             

- get out of your comfort zone

- do uncomfortable things

- go beyond your barriers, etc.

Yes, that's great advice, but we all know that 90% of us completely ignore these words.

That's why I want to present things to you today in a different way.

But to do that, we first need to define the term comfort zone.

What is it really?

Your comfort zone refers to your habitual way of functioning, the way you behave in different situations in your life.

It has more to do with past experiences that have conditioned you to behave in your particular way, rather than what you want out of life now.

About Your Habits.                                                                                            Here are just a few examples:

When you know you haven't exercised in months and your body is giving you signals that you should, but you sit in front of the TV with a pizza in front of you, you're in the comfort zone.

When you get a call from a friend who you don't feel like talking to because you know he's keeping you on your toes a lot and telling you things you're not interested in, but you keep listening, you're still there.

When you feel you can't sacrifice any more for your job, but you don't set limits or look for another job, you choose comfort.


The interesting part is that a pattern is repeated here.

If you look closely, the comfort zone isn't necessarily a pleasure zone, but a zone that you're used to, from which you have predictability and a sense of control.

So what does this mean?

 Why you shouldn't give up?                                                                                                                              That if you do something new enough times, your comfort zone will change, grow, expand, encompassing that new activity.

In other words, you can accomplish absolutely all of your goals (no matter how big they are), as long as you repeat an action or activity enough times for it to be integrated and become all automatic.

You don't have to be a genius; you just have to be consistent in your actions.

As I often say, consistency beats genius to the punch.

That's why, if you want to change the way you earn your money in the next little while, build a profitable online business, or quit the job you currently have, I have an invitation for you.

What kind of invitation?

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Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while... you don't do things right once in a while... you do them right all the time. Winning is habit.


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